Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wednesday 7x7x7

Goblet / Sit up - max reps
7 shoulder press / 14 box AMRAP
Each mini WOD HAS A 7 min cap FOLLOWED BY 2 min rest

-- Post From My iPad


  1. Great wod and great partner, Teresa! Finish 6:35. Jamie congrats on using 14lb wallball - great job on Finish.

  2. Great WOD. Wished I could have done at least one more press/box round.

  3. Oh and welcome back Chris!!! Great to have you there and hope you continue to heal quickly.

  4. I like it when we do the multiple mini wods!

    I got just over 6 rounds with the Shoulder Press - Box Jump. I was glad I stuck with actually jumping rather than step ups, but whoa they get tough!

    I got in over 70 sit ups and over 70 Goblet Squats. Good morning Abs! Ahh!!

    Finish - Finishing a WOD with Finish Good Golly! I scaled the burpees. Becky, You Rock! You did so well. And thanks for all of the encouragement. I thought I might beat the snot out of that 14# ball at the end, then I realized I had no energy to do such a thing. Ha! I started Round 3, and with a 14# ball I was pleased with that. Ugh!

  5. that hurt. i don't do a good job of keeping track of my rounds. i did 6 rounds of press/box. 15each time of situp/goblet - naybe 3 rounds, and didnt finish the finish.
