Tuesday, September 7, 2010


5x5 Thruster - focus on midline stability

180WOD - 15 min AMRAP
1 rep first round, 2 the second...etc

Cash Out
5 min double unders

-- Post From My iPad


  1. That was a very hard wod but I loved it and my legs are on fire! Becky you did awesome! I would have never pushed myself so hard if you weren't standing right across from me! You are the best! April thanks for complimenting my form that made my week!! And thanks Batallis for only making me fo 25 burpee pullups! And Notre Dame still sucks!

    12 thrusters 3 kb

  2. Great leg workout! My legs are still shakey. Finished 11 rounds and 12 thrusters and 8 kb. Carrie YOU kept ME going! So glad to have group wods on Tuesday too.

  3. Another good workout. I made it through round 10 plus I did 11 thrusters. Going everyday is going to make a difference. I was only going 3 days a week, but now going 5 days a week will increase my cardio and strength.

  4. Now I know why Becky told me to be sure to stretch my legs. Great WOD...and I am sure feeling it today. Thank you so much Becky for watching my fussy little girl :)
