Monday, July 26, 2010

Monday Sprints

180 WOD
9 Power Cleans 135/96/65
18 KB
18 Burpee
9 Thruster 95/65/45
Lunge half court
3 rounds with 3 minutes rest between rounds

180 Cash Out
Tabata Squats


  1. So glad to see you all on a Monday and get alot sweaty. Can't wait to see you all on Wednesday and get this butt back into a routine.

    Tabata was scaled, so no score. Just glad I pushed in a smart way. Sometimes that is enough.

  2. Loved the wod!!! Nick and Tom you guys did great!!

  3. Our CF180 group is like no other.  I was the last one to go, and I could hear so many people who had finished encouraging me to keep going.   Every single time I heard my name I pushed harder and harder and I cannot even begin to tell you how amazing that was.  Brad and April thank you for telling me to pick up the bar, thank you for correcting my form and thank you for making me a stronger and better crossfitter!  I have no idea what my times were, but when I did that last lunge I knew I had completed a phenomenal wod!  Amazing job everyone!!  To my group Becky, Pat, Shannon, Anastasia and April.....WOW, talk about some STRONG women!! To all those who are injured Joy,Cassie, Nick unless I knew I wouldn't have been able to tell!  Nice Work!! 

  4. so glad to start getting back in the groove. loved the wod!!! everyone did an amazing job.

  5. Thanks so much April for your help on the thrusters!!! And thanks Brad for stopping at 3 rounds. :) Great job Carrie (form was great on thrusters), Anastasia, Pat (your new outfit looked awesome), and Shannon! I agree with Carrie, this group is very special like no other. Carrie, hope your ankle is good today!
