Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Race to the FINISH

180 WOD

"The Finish"
10-1 ladder of:
Wall ball

Post your times, this is a great one to gauge your CF success!

Tabata Mash-up
8 rounds each alternating between:
Jumping Air Squats & walking lunges


  1. Sorry 5:30 crew...ran out of time to do the full 8 min, you just got the hard jumping squats!

    Great energy from all the classes today, way to cheer on your fellow xfitters!!!

    4:25 (love the new red line, ha!....sorry boys!)

  2. Well, my time was better. I don't remember my very first time, but, it was over 10min, tonight was 8??. one of those workouts that i just didn't handle very well. Thanks for all of the encouragement. Especially when Becky reminded me i was working with someone who is the same age as my children.

  3. 5:09 - Last time I did Finish was in August 6:35. Awesome time April; and I feel bad for the boys too. Thanks Anna and Anastasia for yelling.

  4. Arms feeling great and still have the kennel cough. Can't wait for fridays WOD!!!!

  5. My first time doing Finish. My goal was to be under 7 minutes. I came it at 6:01. Thank you Becky for cheering me on! You helped me a ton!
