Tuesday, February 28, 2012

6x4 for Tuesday

you have 6 minutes to perform each of the following.....the faster you complete each task the more rest you will have before you move to the next task to be completed in 6 minutes

1000m row (men) / 800m row (women)
15 Wallball / 15 medball cleans
800m run
KB - Slam

1 comment:

  1. Most of this WOD was scaled
    I did the 800 m row, as rx'd. Ha!

    I chose a 10# Ball for WB and MedBall Cleans. I completed 2 Rounds rather than 3

    I ran a 600. Well, I jogged. But I did NOT stop. April would have been proud of me!

    I used a 35# KB and a 13# Ball for the KB Slam sprint - and I did the 20 and 15 rep rounds

    See ya this weekend! Happy WOD'ing - I am back on the road for several weeks so I will stop in when I can.
