Friday, October 22, 2010

Five for FRIDAY

180 WOD

Benchmark "KELLY"

400m Run
30 Wall ball
30 box jumps

5 rounds for time!!!


  1. Post your times, crew, this is a great one to gage your CF success over the months!

    First time I did this was over 23min for THREE ROUNDS, not 5! Ha! the brisk fall air, way to go morning crew battling the frost!

  2. Yep, I have some work to do. Gah!
    Scaled to 200 meter runs, my squats for wall ball generally sucked with only a 10# ball, and I started each of the box jumps with 10 step ups. I do want to do this one again and watch my progress, but I don't want to do it again for a very long time. Dear Lord, my thighs are mad at me! 33:35, I think.
    On a positive note, I am very glad I did it before I went to my company party. I felt very accomplished showing up to the festivities knowing how hard I had worked before I went to have some fun.
