Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wednesday - The Punisher

180 WOD - The Day is Here
5 rounds
Rd 1 - 21 power clean
Rd 2 - 15 squat clean
Rd 3 - 9 thrusters
Rd 4 - 6 sq clean thrusters
Rd 5 - 3 burpee sq clean thrusters
Following each barbell movement
10 v ups
10 pullups
200 meters

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Awesome gym ! Awesome wod ! Thank you Brad and April for everything! I love cf180!

  2. OMG...I so love, love, love it at the new box!!!Really enjoyed watching the "birth of Crossfit180" video. Brad and April, you will be great "parents". Thanks again for all you do!

    Wod was great and went so smoothly. This is a great beginning!

    Carrie - I told you you would pass me...good job!

  3. The new place is great! My time was 18:57, doing the 95# bar, using the 20# medicine ball, and doing jumping pullups.

    Brad the video you showed us was great. Can you post that to the website so we can watch it.

    It was fun to workout with everyone. All you fellow crossfitter's are great.

  4. Awesome box! Amazing video. Great coaches. Magnificent people.

    Can't wait to see what is next!!
