Thursday, September 2, 2010

Thursday - Open Gym

4:30 - 8

Make up a missed WOD, Skill Work, Max Effort lift, or do something easy like Fran ;)


  1. Went up to work on my pullups. Thanks Cody for the help. Got my first blister to rip off my hand so I must be on my way.

    Worked on a wod with April. We did thruster/burpees on the minute. Got to level 8 and did 8 thrusters and 5 burpees before I ran out of time. April did much better than this. Good job April.

    My wife thinks I am obsessed with this Crossfit stuff. I don't think I am. I am just working out. Anyone else feel the same way?

  2. Yes, I think we are all probably a little obsessed with crossfit. But this is a good obsession. We are all healthier, stronger, happier and I have more friends now than ever because of it. We'll get Katie hooked. Ha
