Monday, October 18, 2010

Monday 2-fer

I hope you didn't leave early....Cody, Jason & Brent put on quite a show

Buy In - Work up to max effort on Power Clean

180 WOD

7 minute Blast

1 minute Thruster 95/65
rest 1 min
1 minute Pullup
rest 1 min
1 minute Wallball
rest 1 min
1 minute Burpee

score is total number of reps complete!!!


  1. PR on power clean 95#. My mind stops there!
    72 total on 7 min blast.

  2. Your right Jeffra - it can be a mind thing at times. I shouldnt pay attention to the amount of weight thats on that bar! Power Clean - 125. Appreciate your help Jamie and Brent. Total was 93- disappointed on my thrusters.

  3. PR on power clean #115
    My total was 96 on the 7 minute blast - 2 bands for pullups and 45# bar for Thrusters.
    Great job everyone!

  4. #105 on my power clean PR :) I agree that the mind gets in the way with the weight. I think my total for the 7 minute blast was 90 scaled(lost count on wall balls).

  5. Previous PR was 100, new PR is 105. Why can't I just get under it? Grr..., and yep, it was a mind thing!
    Becky and Jeffra - you both did great!
    59 on 7 min blast. At first I was bummed, but then I decided to be happy with the score. It is my score and I cannot go back and change it, and the 65# thrusters killed me which is a good thing I guess. I was pleased with my burpees. I am getting lower and getting more of them done!

    Darn, I missed the show!

  6. I <3 power cleans!! Stayed at my PR of 135#! Way to go everyone on those PRs! Nothing beats beating yourself! Or your friends:)

    105 rx'd for 7min blast
