Tuesday, October 5, 2010

PULL & PUSH it!!

180 WOD
800m run
30 pull ups
60 push ups (first half (30), hands off ground)
400m run
20 pull ups
50 push ups (again, hands off ground for first 25)
200m run
10 pull ups
40 push ups ( first 20, HANDS OFF FLOOR!
100m run (flag pole and back)


  1. 17:39 - Thanks Brent for push at end. Used 1 band for 15 of the 30 pullups but rxd rest. Wanted to drop to knees during pushups - thanks Carrie for not letting me. Ready for a good leg workout now.

  2. Scaled my run to 400, then 200, 200, and 100. 20:30
    Nice work everyone! It was great to get in a Tuesday workout again but Becky is right, let's hit the legs today. Please! :o)

  3. Charlene - 18:52 - arms are pretty sore today.

  4. My arms hurt so much I have to type this message with my toes. My time was 18:57. Had to use bands on pullups and did half of my pushups on the knees. The games pushups I did normally.
